System News
LONI CLuster News:
▶ QB2
- No news
- Newly installed packages
- Updated packages
- Key: cuda/10.2
Description: CUDA (formerly Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing platform and programming model created by NVIDIA and implemented by the graphics processing units (GPUs) that they produce. CUDA gives developers access to the virtual instruction set and memory of the parallel computational elements in CUDA GPUs. -
- Key: gaussian/g16-b01
Description: Gaussian 16 is the latest in the Gaussian series of programs. It provides state-of-the-art capabilities for electronic structure modeling.
- Key: gcc/9.2.0
Description: The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, and Ada, as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++, libgcj,...). -
- Key: cuda/10.2
- Retired packages
Maintenance Scheduled
- System will be offline for storage maintenance on Monday, August 17 2020
Known Problems
- No impact on users
▶ QB3
- No news
- Newly installed packages
- Updated packages
- Key: cuda/10.2
Description: CUDA (formerly Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing platform and programming model created by NVIDIA and implemented by the graphics processing units (GPUs) that they produce. CUDA gives developers access to the virtual instruction set and memory of the parallel computational elements in CUDA GPUs. -
- Key: gcc/9.3.0
Description: The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, and Ada, as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++, libgcj,...). -
- Key: intel/19.1.2
Description: Intel Cluster Toolkit Compiler Edition provides Intel C,C++ and fortran compilers, Intel MPI and Intel MKL -
- Key: cuda/10.2
- Retired packages
Maintenance Scheduled
- Not scheduled
Known Problems
- No impact on users
LSU CLuster News:
▶ SuperMIC
- No news
- Newly installed packages
- Updated packages
- Key: gcc/9.2.0
Description: The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, and Ada, as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++, libgcj,...). -
- Key: intel/2019.1
Description: Intel Cluster Toolkit Compiler Edition provides Intel C,C++ and fortran compilers, Intel MPI and Intel MKL -
- Key: pgi/18.7
Description: The Portland Group compilers for C, C++ and Fortran. It also supports OpenACC.
- Key: gcc/9.2.0
- Retired packages
Maintenance Scheduled
- Not scheduled
Known Problems
- No impact on users
▶ SuperMike-II
- No news
- Newly installed packages
- Updated packages
- Key: gaussian/g16-b01
Description: Gaussian 16 is the latest in the Gaussian series of programs. It provides state-of-the-art capabilities for electronic structure modeling.
- Key: gcc/9.2.0
Description: The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, and Ada, as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++, libgcj,...). -
- Key: pgi/18.7
Description: The Portland Group compilers for C, C++ and Fortran. It also supports OpenACC.
- Key: gaussian/g16-b01
- Retired packages
Maintenance Scheduled
- Not scheduled
Known Problems
- No impact on users
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